Bio Notes

Massimo Polidoro is one of today's leading skeptics on the paranormal and fringe sciences. Co-founder and Executive Director of the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CICAP - Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranomale) he holds a degree in Psychology from the University of Padua with an experimental thesis devoted to the study of the reliability of eyewitnesses reports of unusual events. He is an expert in the psychology of deception and in the duplication of apparent psychic phenomena; thanks to these abilities and to his scientific background, he has been able to conduct tens of tests and experiments on apparent psychic phenomena..

Since 1989 he is the Editor of Scienza & Paranormale, the bi-monthly journal of CICAP; since 1996 he is the European Representative to the James Randi Educational Foundation and since 1997 he is the Editor of "OpenMind", a selection of books by Avverbi Publishing, in Rome.

He is the author of many books and articles dealing with science, pseudoscience and the paranormal; acts as a consultant for TV and video productions and is in the Editorial Board of Focus magazine. Among his books: Viaggio tra gli spiriti (1995), Misteri (1996), Dizionario del paranormale (1997), Sei un sensitivo? (1997), La maledizione del Titanic (1998), I segreti dei fachiri (1998), L'illusione del paranormale (1998) e Il sesto senso (2000). His first book in English, devoted to the friendship between Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is going to be published by Prometheus Books in the Spring of 2001.

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